TT Biolaczim S - Live yeast with garlic extract, disease prevention and weight gain for livestock and poultry


Lactobaccilus acidiphilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus reuteri, Bacillus subtilis, Saccharomyces Ceresvise, Protease, Amylase, Beta Glucan, Garlic extract.


- Balance and stabilize the intestinal microflora of livestock.

- Improve the microflora system, enhance the activity of macrophages, inhibit bacteria and fungi that cause digestive disorders, intestinal dysbiosis due to changes in diet and after using antibiotics.

- Stimulate digestion, increase the ability to absorb and metabolize food, deodorize feces and improve the barn environment.

Use periodically during unfavorable weather conditions and areas with high pathogen pressure.


Mix with drinking water: 1 g/ 1-2 liters of drinking water or 1 kg/ 5-10 tons of body weight.



Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight

Specifications: 100g, 1kg.