Ingredient Azadirachtin..............................................................0.15%
Point Prevention and treatment of Trichodinosis, Ichthyophthiriusis, Fish Lice, Monogenean trematode on Pangasianodon hypothamus and Pangasius bocourti

Special treatment of parasites, microsporidian attach to the intestine wall, liver and gills. The main cause of gastrointestinal bleeding, white feces syntrome (WFD), liver atresia, swollen liver, swollen gill.
Dosage Mix in food with the following dosage:

Fish fingerlings: 1 liter/ 7-10 tons of fish

Fish meat: 1 liter/ 15-20 tons of fish

Splash ectoparasite: Use 1 liter for 6,000 – 8,000m3. Use in the sun.
Preservation Store in cool and dry place. Advoid direct sunlight.