ECO CALCI PLUS FISH - Supply Vitamin and Mineral for fish and shrimp

Ingredient Calcium diacid phosphate.........................20g
Magnesium diacid phosphate...................50g
Zinc diacid phosphate.............................120g
Manganese diacid phosphate................80mg

- Surmount the shortage of mineral resources in food in order to help shrimp, fish grow well, hard shell....

Overcoming the lack of mineral sources in feed helps shrimp and fish grow well, not soft shell, blue.

Stimulate shrimp to exuvium quickly, evenly, for high productivity.

Increases resistance, helps shrimps and fish to be healthy, shells are beautiful.

Helps shrimp reduce stress when the environment changes, high survival rate.


+ 100ml /30 kg food, twice a day.
+ In case of motivating shrimp and fish effectivelly, use 100ml / 12-15kg food.

Mix well with food, leave in a cool place for 15 minutes and then feed for shrimp and fish.
- Splash on water: use 1 liter / 3.000-5.000m3 water.

Preservation Store in cool and dry place. Advoid direct sunlight.