SUPERCAL - Organic calcium supplement.


In 1ml contains:

Total Calcium ...................................1.6mg.

Calcicum Glycerophosphate................5mg.

Calcicum lactate Pentahydrate............5mg.


- Prevention and treatment of calcium deficiency, rickets, osteomalacia, paralysis before and after birth. Resuscitation, fever reduction, anti-inflammatory.

- Recovery after treatment of illness, weakness. Increase resistance, prevent internal bleeding in the body.

- Provide calcium for pregnant animals.

Intramuscular injection with dosage:

- Buffalo, cow: 10ml/ 45kg body weight, once a day.

- Pig, sheep: 5-10ml/ animal (adjust depending on body weight and disease symptoms).


- Store in cool, dry place, protect from direct light.

Specifications: 100ml.