In 1 bottle of 100ml powder and 250ml solvent contains: Ceftifur sodium
Special treatment for E.coli infections, dysentery, Salmonella typhoid, Pasteurellosis, Septicemia.
Pig: Special treatment for pneumonia, enteritis, diarrhea, typhoid, paratyphoid, pasteurellosis, septicemia, mastitis - metritis - agalactia (MMA), umbilical inflammation, boils, ulcers, abscesses, hoof rot.
Buffalo, cows, goats, sheep: Treatment of respiratory infections: transport fever, Pasteurellosis, hoof rot.
Intramuscular or subcutaneous injection:
- Chicken, duck, goose: 1 ml/ 10 kg body weight/ day.
- Chicken, duckling: 1 ml/ 60-150 birds.
- Pig: 1 ml/ 10-15 kg body weight/ day.
- Buffalo, cow: 1-2 ml/ 50 kg body weight/ day
- Goats, sheep, horses: 1 ml/ 20-30 kg body weight/ day.
Withdrawal times:
Meat: 04 days
Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight
Shelf life 02 years from date of manufacture