ECO-DANOFLOX - Special treatment for respiratory tract infections


In 1ml contains:

Danofloxacin.............................. 25 mg.

Solvent just enough……….........…1 ml.


- Cattle, goats, sheep: Treatment of respiratory diseases caused by bacteria Pasteurella haemolytica and P.multocida. Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases caused by Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp in cattle, goats, sheep.

- Pigs: Treatment of respiratory diseases caused by P.multocida and A.pleuropneumoniae, and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases caused by E,coli.

- Poultry: Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases caused by E.coli, Salmonella, CRD, Pasteurellosis.

- Dogs, cats: Treatment of pneumonia, gastrointestinal and urinary tract infections.


Intramuscular injection, use continuously for 3-5 days.

- Cattle, goats, sheep: 1ml/ 20kg body weight/ day. Treatment for cattle over 400kg, do not inject more than 20ml at one injection site.

- Pigs: 1ml/ 20kg body weight/ day. Treatment for pigs over 100kg, do not inject more than 5ml at one injection site.

- Poultry, dogs, cats: 1ml/ 5kg body weight/ day.

Withdrawal time: 

- Cattle, goats, sheep:

+ Before meat: 5 days.

+ Before milk: 48 hours.

- Pigs, poultry:

Before meat: 3 days


Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.

Specification: 20ml, 50ml, 100ml, 250ml.