Eco Amocla - Special treatment for infections, lasting 48 hours

Ingredient In each ml contains:
Amoxycillin trihydrate
Gentamycin sulfate
Acid clavulanic
Excipients ..... 1ml
Point Special treatment for severe infections that have not been cured by conventional antibiotics.
Prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases: Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Infectious Rhinitis, Pasteurellosis, secondary diseases of PRRS.
Treatment of digestive diseases: Enteritis with white, yellow, green stools caused by E.coli, Salmonella, Paratyphoid, Typhoid.
Treatment of Mastitis - Metritis - Loss of milk (MMA syndrome), skin infections, soft tissue, abscesses, nails, joints, urinary tract infections....

Wing or muscle injection:
Average dose: 1 ml/ 20 kg body weight/ day.
Inject continuously for 3-5 days.

Withdrawal times:

Meat: Cattle, goats, sheeps: 21 days.
Pigs: 14 days.
Milk: 2.5 days.

Preservation Store in a cool, dry place.
Avoid direct sunlight.