ECO AMPICOL S - Special treatment for green feces, white feces, and septicemia.


In 1g contains:

Ampicilline trihydrate.....................100mg.

Colistin sulfate........................250.000 UI.

Excipients just enough ........................1g.


- Chicken, duck, goose, quail: Special treatment for green and white diarrhea caused by E.coli, typhoid caused by Salmonella and Pasteurella septicemia.

- Pigs, buffalo, cows, goats, sheep: Special treatment for diarrhea, white and yellow slimy stools


Mix food or drink:

- Chicken, duck, goose, quail: 1g/ 1 liter of drinking water or 1g/ 5kg body weight.

- Pig, buffalo, cow, goat, sheep: 1g/ 2.5 liters of drinking water or 1g/ 10-15kg body weight.

Use continuously for 3-5 days.

Prevention dose: 1/2 treatment dose.

Withdrawal time:

- Before taking meat: 21 days.

- Before taking eggs: 03 days.


Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.

Specification:  1kg, 5kg, 10kg, 20kg.