TT - Prolac - Probiotics overcome antibiotics


Each 1 kg contains
L.acidophilus (min)
L.reuteri (min)
B.subtilis (min)
Saccharomyces Ceresvisez (min)

Amylase (min)
Protease (min)
Glucanase (min)
Lipases (min)
No antibiotics and pharmaceutical chemicals
Excipient q.s


Nutritional supplements, improvement of immunity for the animals.
Increases the number of helpful bacteria and reduces harmful bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.
Prevention of diarrhea syndrome caused by E.coli
Stimulation of digestion, improvement of digestibility and metabolism of feed.
Recover the gut microbiota in case of long-term use of antibiotics
Reduce the odor of feces and urine in the animal housing.


Dissolving in drinking water: 1 g/1 litre
Mixing the feed: 100 g/ 50-100 kg of feed


Store in a cool and dry place. Avoid direct sunlight.